Autumn Rotating Menu

I know you may not know me well enough yet.  But, this blog is about being real.  It is where I am going to just lay all my shit out there.  You get to hear the real girl.  I promise to confess regularly about my lack of planning, cleaning and housewife skills.  I don’t possess them.  I seldom feel like improving on.  It goes in spurts.  I make menu’s like this and keep to them half the time.  I don’t make them because I am uber organized.  I make them because I am lazy and forgetful and a touch ADD.  When I am sitting in the kitchen and it is past 6, I can open my cabinet and see the plan.  Then I can make something to fit in the plan.  Somewhere around 7, which seems to be too late for some people, we can eat.

::Rotating Autumn Breakfast Menu::
Monday: Apple Pie Oatmeal
Tuesday: Tofu or Egg Scramble with corn tortillas
Wednesday: Waffles or pancakes
Thursday: Homefries and Toast
Friday: Pumpkin Pie Oatmeal
Saturday: Coffee Cake and omelets
Sunday: Something easy
::Rotating Autumn Lunch Menu::
Monday: Peanut Butter & Jelly
Tuesday: Baked Fries & Leftovers
Wednesday: Chickpea Salad on Homemade Bread
Thursday: Soup
Friday: Beans and Tortillas
Saturday: Mac & Cheese or Ramen
Sunday: Leftovers
::Rotating Autumn Dinner Menu::
Monday: Crockpot of Beans with Tortillas
Tuesday: Asian (Nori Rolls, Curry, Peanut Noodles, Ramen)
Wednesday: Potato Soup
Thursday: Kabab, Falafel (Chloe’s cookbook), tzatziki sauce
Friday: Pizza
Saturday: Leftovers and Baked Fries
Sunday: Soup/Stew with Biscuits OR Pasta/Sauce